In 1692, nineteen men and women were convicted of witchcraft and hung. Many of these innocent people faced accusations without benefit of a trial. Not much has changed since that time, as we have had our own witch trials here, 2012 style.
Hysteria and the failure of a majority of our voters to understand the true dynamics in the workings of town government has put our town in dire straights. Probably one of the most troubling aspects of these recent events is the lack of honest reporting by our local newspaper and the refusal of the same paper to publish most rebuttals. As a result, the residents are only getting a one sided narrow view of events making it almost impossible for residents to make an intelligent decision based on facts.
As everyone should know by now, a new election was held and it appears Julie Farrell and Robert Mitchell were voted out of office. A recount is going to be held and we should know next week how that comes out. If the election stands, I am sure it is not going to take long for people to realize they made a very bad mistake. Mrs. Farrell and Mr. Mitchell had been working hard trying to do what's best for the town. They and Mr. Bennett had started saving the town money. They had hired a new law firm and a new coordinator.
As of the 16th, our "new select persons" refused to listen to reason and common sense and voted out the new law firm to replace it with the old law firm K & P. (Talk about going backwards, not forwards!) The selectmen were warned they could be putting the town in jeopardy. That did not matter! Where is the money going to come from to pay the firm that was fired. If they take us to court, God only knows. We are broke.
The town coordinator told me, "he is going to be next". This is a shame because Mr. Ritter, seems more than capable. I told him I was sorry he was thrown in the middle of this. I guess he wanted the job and was willing to take his chances.
Paul Q. said this was a really sorry time for our town and he is right. There were many times in our past that personalities clashed. Things could get tough but no one ever crossed the line and did a recall. It does not matter if we agree with the firing of our past town coordinator or not - legally Julie and Bob had the right to do what they did.
I think what really is the problem is that when people are in a job too long, they lose sight of the fact that "it is a job." It is not a divine right to be in this position, that they know better than anyone what the town needs - regardless of how the people of the town feel.
The proposed "town hall" may have had a decent chance if it had been presented in an open and honest way - with correct figures, complete paperwork, and the voters given the right to a vote. This is their town. When you are in office and you forget that, it is time to step down.
We need to go forward, stop the bickering, back of the building deals, and figure out how we can get some industry in town once the economy is better and how to survive in the meantime.
This is my opinion and the view from the hill on South Rd.
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